Maintain Business Object Preselection Inputs
Step type: Complex user interface.
Step description: This step allows you to customize how the DTS business object table is populated. The following options are available to populate the table:
Manual input: The table is populated by the user.
Automatic input: The table is populated by the assigned derivation path(s) during the preselection execution.
For more information, see the chapter Setting up the Derivation of DTS Business Object Values.
Detailed functions: After you execute the step, a screen split into two parts appears.
The left-hand side contains a navigation list with all DTS business objects. By default, you only see objects that are assigned to a field in an active table. You can perform the assignment manually in the step Assign filtering rules and business objects.
The right-hand side displays a screen for setting up the derivation of DTS business object values. This screen is populated after the first business object is selected for maintenance via double-click.
The navigation list contains the following columns:
Business object: Non-editable field. Name of the DTS business object.
Preselection: Non-editable field. Flag indicating that the DTS business object table is used in the read phase. See the example in the table below.
Derivation: Non-editable field. Flag indicating that the DTS business object is used either as an input business object or an output business object.
Preselection Derivation Meaning of the flag combination X The business object is used in the read phase for data selection, but it is not used for further object derivation.
X The business object is not used for the read phase, but only as an input for other business object derivation path(s).
X X Combination of the two options above.
The business object is not used in selective processing. The input table is not generated.
Rule: Non-editable field. Flag indicating the business object is filtered by a DTS rule.
Preselection usage:
Do not preselect: This setting excludes the business object from the preselection, even if the business object is assigned to a table for filtering. During the generation of the preselection task, the consolidation task for this business object will not be generated. Also, none of the derivation path tasks connected to this business object will be generated.
Force preselection: This setting forces the business object to be used in the preselection, even if it does not need to be preselected. This means that the business object is neither assigned to a table field, conversion or filtering rule, nor is it used in the derivation process. This makes sense for cases when the business object data is required by a customer for analysis purposes or required by a remote system, for example BW, GTS, etc. A common use case is to use it during the testing phase when the setup is not yet complete and the business object is not assigned to any table, but you want to test the preselection process.
NOTE You must define such a business object as the output business object in the derivation path(s) connected to one of the business objects used in the preselection. -
Manual input: Flag indicating that the business object table is set manually. This option defines what the maintenance screen will look like. For more information, see the chapter Setting up the Derivation of DTS Business Object Values.
Auto input: Flag indicating that the business object table is filled automatically. This option defines what the maintenance screen will look like. For more information, see the chapter Setting up the Derivation of DTS Business Object Values.
In addition to the standard ALV grid functions, the toolbar in the navigation list has the following functions:
Filter active: Shows only the business objects that are required for selectivity, i.e. the business object is either assigned to a field or used in the chain of derivation paths.
Delete filter: Shows all the business objects and their setup.